Zoanthid polyps

Zoanthid and Palythoa polyps (bigger brother to the zoanthid), are colonial type corals. Colonial, means each coral is a colony of seperate polyps living together. Extremely hardy and an excellent beginner coral. They will survive in almost any type of reef tank. They will tolerate very low light levels. Prefering low to moderate water motion, they do well within a range of 76º to 84º F. Since Zoanthids are photosynthetic, they survive with no feeding, but occasional feeding of small meaty foods like brine shrimp is beneficial and will result in faster growth. Since they are not very light demanding, they are great filler corals to place between larger specimens. Easily propagated by cutting individual polyps from the main colonies, pieces can be placed on a gravel bed with low water flow and will attach themselves to pieces of gravel, or, they can then be superglued to a suitable substrate such as a reef plug.

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